Partitioning your design into physical and electrical sections can significantly reduce the number of through-holes you need in your PCB, thereby increasing production speed and cutting down on manufacturing costs. Here, we will explain what physical and electrical partitioning are how they are used in PC design, and how to create effective partitioning schemes in your PCB designs.
As you work on your next PCB design, you may be wondering how to implement physical and electrical partitioning in your design. These two factors are equally important to making the finished product successful, and both have a huge impact on the success of your design project as a whole. Stay with us if you’re looking to save time and money while producing high-quality products, read on!
Layout Considerations
When you’re laying out a Printed Circuit Board, you have two different considerations, such as physical, which is how your components are laid out on your printed circuit board; and electrical, which has to do with where you're going to put all of your wires. These two can be grouped when it comes time for assembly.
For example, if you plan to use surface-mount parts that require soldering instead of wire-wrapping, then you will want to make sure that there is enough space between these parts so that they can be easily soldered onto your PCB. If you don’t leave enough space between them, then there won’t be room for solder paste. The solder paste is a sticky substance used to hold down SMT parts during pcb assembly.
This makes soldering difficult or impossible and the same logic applies to wiring. If you don’t leave enough space between components, then your wires may not fit without being bent too much or getting in each other’s way. This can cause problems when it comes time to solder everything together, as well as with heat dissipation, and too many wires crammed into one area might block airflow and cause overheating issues.
On top of that, you also need to consider things like trace width and spacing. Trace width refers to how wide your traces are (the lines connecting individual pads on your PCB), while trace spacing refers to how far apart they are from each other. Trace width should always be smaller than trace spacing because having wider traces means more copper is needed per unit length which means higher cost and greater weight.
Traces are usually made using either a single solid line or multiple lines connected by vias. Single solid lines tend to be faster but less reliable than multiple lines connected by vias, but they’re also easier to design and cheaper. Vias are holes drilled through layers of material that allow traces on different layers to connect.However, vias increase complexity and cost. There are several tools available to help designers create their circuits. Some free software options include EagleCAD, Kicad, Altium Designer, and CAD. However, regardless of what software you choose to use, remember that layout is only half of the process.
Overlapping Impedance Nets & Ghost Nets
To create a circuit board with electrical & physical separation, you must insert impedance nets into your design. There are three different ways you can do that, including overlapping impedances, creating ghosts, or through a virtual ground plane. In some designs, more than one method is used. So, let’s see how and when to use them.
An overlapping impedance net has part of it on one side of a barrier, and part of it on another side. A ghost net is used when you have two nets that need to be separated but you don't want them physically separated because they are too close together or because they are too important for each other. A ghost net is just a virtual representation of an actual physical connection that exists between two parts of your circuit board.
A good example of why you might use a ghost PC board net instead of separating your nets with some physical method is if you have 2 power supplies that need to share ground. They can share ground by having their grounds tied together through some kind of wire.But, since they're both supplying power independently, we don't want them tied directly together at all times, but only when there is a current going through either one or both supplies. So what do we do? We create a ghost ground plane where we tie their grounds together. This way, when none of the supplies is active, there's no connection between them, and when either supply is active, there is a connection between them.
An electrical partitioning net does exactly what it sounds like. It partitions electrical signals from each other. In a design where you want to physically separate your nets, you can do that by creating an impedance plane that separates them. But, then how do you keep them electrically isolated? That's where a physical partitioning plane comes into play. This is just another name for a ghost ground plane, but instead of being used for sharing grounds between two supplies, it's used for keeping two parts of your circuit board electrically isolated from each other while still allowing communication between them.
One last thing about these three methods is that you can't use one without using at least one of the others. If you have a wall between two sections of your circuit board, there has to be some way for those sections to talk to each other. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to pass power or data. So, if you have a wall, you need ghosts or an impedance plane on both sides of it. And if you have ghosts, there needs to be a wall somewhere too.
Why Would You Ever Choose One Method Over Another?
Well, overlapping impedances are good when you don't need high-frequency performance because they introduce more inductance than either of the other two methods. Ghosts are good when you don't care as much about electromagnetic interference or EMI because they don't create as much capacitance as either of the other two methods.
Whereas the physical partitioning nets are good when you want to keep your layout compact or if you have a design that's already laid out and you can't change it, as having a wall between two sections of your board is going to require some rework if it doesn't already exist.
So, you need to decide if you want your partitions at a high frequency or low frequency. For a high-frequency circuit board, you'll need to use overlapping impedances or ghosts; for a low-frequency circuit board, you can just go with physical partitioning nets.
Solving Unplanned Overlaps
It’s not uncommon for two different circuit boards or two different designs within a single board to overlap. Unplanned overlaps are hard to solve, but these tips will help you create better schematics so that you can avoid them.
Before you design your next PCB, make sure you follow all of these guidelines for PC Board Fabrication. By doing so, you’ll be able to identify overlaps before they occur and reduce your chances of creating any issues when manufacturing your product.
If you don’t have access to specialized tools or software, consider using some online tools like Google Sketch Up to help with your schematic design. These free programs allow you to build 3D models of your circuits, as well as export them into other applications like Eagle CAD or Altium Designer. This allows you to easily view how your components will fit together on a printed circuit board.
You should also use both software and hardware layout techniques to ensure that there aren’t any unplanned overlaps between your PCBs. While it may seem easier to just use one method, it’s important to understand how each technique works so that you can spot potential problems early on. For example, if you only use software-based layout techniques, then you might miss physical overlaps that would prevent a component from fitting onto your board.
Similarly, if you only rely on hardware-based methods, then you might overlook electrical conflicts that could lead to shorts or failures during testing. The best way to get around these kinds of issues is by using both types of layouts simultaneously. You can use a program like Altium Designer to lay out your circuit board, then print out an image of what you’ve created. Then take that printed image and place it over your actual PCB. This ensures that you catch any unplanned overlaps before they cause problems later on down the line.
Just remember, even though it takes more time upfront, double-checking everything twice is always worth it. With that said, there are still times when the overlap errors do slip through. When you find yourself in a situation where you need to resolve an issue like this, we recommend you double-check it. As it would become much easier to fix an error than it would be otherwise. You can also get professional help in this regard.
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